Yes I find the finely tuned universe factoid to be hilarious. The same people fail to grasp the fact the finely tuned earth will one day be swallowed up by the finely tuned Sun when it becomes a finely tuned red giant...
The remnants of which will one day be swallowed up by a finely-tuned supermassive black hole, which will eventually dissipate via finely-tuned Hawking radiation until the universe is nothing but a featureless void, brought about by the finely-tuned expansion of the universe.
As for life... our earth is in a Goldilocks zone relative to producing our kind of life, but we don't even know that carbon- and water-based life is the only form of life possible. Carbon is a very versatile element, but it's not the only one that can form multiple bonds with a variety of other elements.
I also find it ironic that the people who usually make this "fine-tuned for life argument" believe the "real" form of life is an immaterial soul that doesn't even need a physical body.